Monday Trail Run & Social Hour
5:30pm (May – Aug)
Join us in Castle Rock for our weekly trail run and social hour.
Locations Varies each week. Please check Facebook or call (720) 387-7974 for details.
All paces and abilities welcomed. Distance and pace will be determined each week based on who attends the run.
After the run we will head to a local brewery for drinks and social hour.

Thursday Chog – Castle Rock
6:00pm (May – Aug)
Join us in Castle Rock every Thursday evening for 3-4 miles at an easy conversational pace! We will gather at the store at 5:45pm and hit the pavement right at 6:00pm.
The goal is not to push the pace, but to run so everyone can chat and have an uplifting end to their day, while getting a little sweat on. This will be a true social CHeery jOG, or CHOG!
First Saturday – RNK Castle Rock
7:00am in Summer (May – Aug.)
7:30am in Winter (Sept. – April)
Join us for a casual run from out Castle Rock locations. We will have a 3-4 mile course, but feel free to go shorter or longer. After the run head over to our neighbor Lost Coffee for some after run snacks and socializing.

Second Saturday – RNK Parker
7:00am in Summer (May – Aug.)
7:30am in Winter (Sept. – April)
Short or long we have something for everyone. Run or walk, lets meet at the store and have some fun… This is a beginner and parent friendly group, so feel free to come out with your strollers and little ones. We’ll also have a faster-paced group available. Depending on conditions we will mix road and dirt. After the run, we’ll meet back at the store for post run stretching and socializing.